Remo DJ-0014-05 Mondo Djembe Drum is the most desirable drum in the market for many reasons. Not only does it have a mesmerizing aesthetic appeal, its sound quality is highly impressive. Remo’s Djembe Drums have proven to be the most user-friendly in the world. It is the first choice of every professional drummer who wishes to make a stride in his career.
With ideal size, vibrant tones, and other promising features you are bound to fall in love with it. It has a great thump and a solid slap. Its synthetic skin and fiberglass shell help you make the most out of your drumming sessions. It is well suited for both training and recreational purposes. With state of the art design and finesse in quality, this Djembe Drum is every drummer’s dream product.

Table of Contents
Basic Construction
Remo DJ-0014-05 Mondo Djembe Drum weighs about 10 pounds. This is an ideal weight for such a model. Its dimensions are 10 x 10 x 10 inches. It has a world class Earth Pattern covering that makes a very visually appealing drum. The Acoustician shell enables the user to produce deep bass tones and high slaps. It features 8 lugs and the rim hits the ring, snap, or crack with great diversity in the sound that is produced. The Mondo Djembe Drum, with such an ideal size, quality, and shape, is bound to impress you.
Attractive Features
The Remo DJ-0014-05 Mondo Djembe Drum has very interesting features that make it the number one product in the market.
- It belongs to the Remo Djembo Drum Series which is the most popular among World Percussion instruments.
- It produces high slaps and deep bass tones.
- Such kinds of key-tuned Remo djembes are extensively used by touring professionals. They are also famous among drum circles.
- Its earthen color gives it classy and ethnic look. It also has a bit of a texture which helps in holding it between the legs.
- This 14-inch model is an ideal size for drums in this category. This also makes it produce rich bass sound.
- You can best enjoy it unmuted by using it with a stand or lifted between your legs.
- Higher pitched sounds can be produced with great ease.
- The Remo DJ-0014-05 Mondo Djembe Drum is extremely durable and does not require any troublesome rope tuning.
- You would not even require a microphone, as the sounds produced are loud enough.
- Its durability also makes it weather resistant.
How Does It Fare?
This product is possibly the best choice in the market, as a product in this category as popular and reasonable as one, is hard to find. This state of the art instrument is manufactured in China.
People usually like to purchase the Remo Djembe Bag 14″ Deluxe Black with Shoulder Strap available for 63.15 dollars as well as the REMO Lightweight Djembe Floor Stand, Black, Fits All Size Djembes for 39.99 dollars to take extra care of your beloved Mondo Djembe Drum.
It gives tough competition to its contenders in the market and is always a winner.
With amazing customer reviews and positive feedback, the Remo DJ-0014-05 Mondo Djembe Drum has been winning every musician’s heart ever since it came into being!