Mosaic Wooden Doumbek is a quality product available at a very affordable price. The doumbek is also compact in size and is portable and easy to play. The drum is beautiful with a pretty design and is one of the best doumbeks present in the market. This is also one of the cheapest drum and thus a good choice for a beginner. It is an appropriate choice for kids since, it is pretty small and durable. It has been fitted with a natural goat skin head which is quite unique. This drum is a very good choice for a beginner to learn his art and then move on to more complex and more expensive drums.

Table of Contents
Basic Construction
The mosaic Doumbek has been built very uniquely and has been fitted with a natural goat skin head. It also has some tuning ropes but they are non-functional. It also has beautiful geometric patterns, each one being unique to a drum. It measures out to be 12’’ H X 7.5’’ W X 6.5”. It has a playing surface of 6.5’’.
Special Features
- The drum is fitted with a goat skin head, which makes it seem very natural.
- It also has tuning ropes which are decorative and non-functional.
- Simulated mother pearl along with red, black and white tiles which have been arranged in a beautiful geometric pattern.
- Each Doumbek is unique in the sense that they appear different due to variations in design.
- This drum is a great addition to any percussion collection.
How Does It Fare?
The Mosaic Wooden Doumbek is an ideal choice for children and beginners since it is priced low and is also very light making it all the better choice for children and since it is pretty durable it can withstand the coarse hands of a beginner and also the decorative design is lucrative for collectors who want it to be an addition to their collection as it does increase the beauty of a collection.