When it comes to music, everyone has their own preferences. Some tend to prefer songs that are loud, while others prefer a gentle tune. Songs with good bass also has their own base to cater to. However, it is not easy to choose the great ones. Worry not, we are here to help you find the best bass songs.
Even when it comes to bass music, everyone has their own preferences. There are a lot of bass songs and they are all different. So, you need a list which can point you in the right direction, providing you a wide range of songs to choose from and here we are. Without much ado, here are some of the songs with good bass.
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1. Titanium – David Guetta & Sia
When talking about songs with best bass, it is hard not to talk about this widely popular hit by David Guetta with Sia. The beats of Titanium is perfect, and catchy. It really feels groovy and invites you to dance. It presents a dance-club kind of a feel.
The bass is incessant and heavy. The lyrics of the song are empowering and enchanting, to say the least. It is easily one of the most popular and must have bass songs today.
2. Radioactive – Imagine Dragons
Radioactive was the song that shot Imagine Dragons to popularity. This is among the best heavy bass songs, with a really catchy tune which really makes you dance along with it. The song is all the better as it presents a unique blend of dub-step and electronic rock.
It has a resounding heavy bass that constantly builds up which is executed extremely well, making it a fantastic song to listen to. It is easily one of the bass heavy songs which are worth checking out.
3. Papercut – Linkin Park
Linkin Park is a well-established band known for its rock metal songs, which are loud and pack a heavy beat. They have a huge following and several immensely popular songs. However, the start of it all, with the first track of its debut album, Papercut is a highly satisfying and wonderfully executed song which is a delight to all who hear it.
It excels in the loud sounds that rock concerts are known for and delivers them perfectly. The bass in the song is a class apart and the tunes are really catchy. They are a unique mix which could serve as an escape from the monotonous generic songs.
4. Another One Bites The Dust – Queen
A timeless classic, this song by Queen is an extremely popular song which has influenced not only the modern music industry, but the pop culture as well. Queen has several fantastic songs, like the Bohemian Rhapsody, the Final Countdown and the We Are The Champions.
However, Another One Bites The Dust is by far the one that is the best bass song by them. It has some really good beats that can really get you going. It is certainly worth a try.
5. Whippin’ Excursion – Giggs
The English rapper, Giggs, started out in 2008 and is gaining popularity for his fast-paced raps. Throughout his career, he has experimented with different types of beats. This particular song also has its own unique and catchy beat which is really groovy. What sets him apart is his wide variety of beats which essentially means, there is something for everyone. It is worth checking his collection out to see how he uses different beats.
6. Longview – Green Day
The 90s was an era of many events in pop culture, and especially musical industry. It was at the pique, with many new artists emerging, several old ones at their pique, and many songs to listen to. Green Day was among the bands to start out during this era, and they managed to survive. They are well known for their rock pop, which has a wide popularity all over the world. This particular song is one of their signature songs which is lively and a delight to listen to in terms of its bass.
7. Sloop John B – The Beach Boys
The Beach Boys were one of the most popular bands of the 70s and the 80s, and still command a huge fan following. This particular song is one their greatest hits of all time. It is a flawlessly created masterpiece with fantastic vocals, brilliant instrumentals and overall, a perfect execution. One simply could not go wrong with this song. The bass of this song is top notch too. The fact that the song was so popular that it overshadowed the entire album speaks a lot about its popularity.
8. Can’t Hold Us – Macklemore and Lewis
This catchy upbeat tune by Macklemore and Lewis was immensely popular when it was released, and still is quite popular. The song moves at a fast pace, which is matched by the engaging and fast paced beats, which in turn makes your heart go fast and lose itself in the beats too. It is a highly satisfying ride at the end of which you’ll be singing and dancing to the tunes of this wonderful song. It has a fantastic bass which is catchy and well executed. Every instrument used adds to that beat, and makes it even better. It is a fantastic song to listen to.
9. Give it Away – Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Red Hot Chilli Peppers were one of the most popular bands of the 90s, with many hits. This song with its funky beats, explosive rock and the legendary riff is a perfect embodiment of what made this band popular. It is a fine song to listen to. The beats are so well executed that they really make you feel the groove, and even tempt you to dance with the tunes. It has a fantastic bass, making it quite worth it.
10. Smooth Criminal – Michael Jackson
When talking about timeless classics, how could one ever forget this fantastic beat by Michael Jackson. This song has a great mix of beats that is sure to get you dancing. It is such a popular song that the beats are pretty much unforgettable, even to those who have never heard the entire song. The beats are low pitched and perfectly set up to make the entire song enjoyable. The very fact that it is so popular itself says a lot about whether it is worth it or not.
11. Sail – Awolnation
Awolnation is a popular American rock and roll band which shot to fame in 2011 with its hit singles. Sail is among their most popular and hit songs. Written by Aaron Bruno, the song is simplistic yet powerful. It has a catchy and a heavy bass. The beauty of the bass is made all the better by the simplicity of the music, shifting the focus to the beats. It is the bass that drives the song, giving it the momentum and adding to the vocals. It is certainly one to check out.
12. Around The World – Daft Punk
Daft Punk is easily one of the best musicians for those looking for bass in their songs. They have such catchy tunes which are all too calm and soothing that they make you want to dance. This particular song is no exception. They are one of the earliest songs of this brilliant duo which introduced the world to their skills. It was a much-needed escape from the generic songs, providing the industry with some funky tunes that one can dance to. You most certainly will not regret this.
13. Golden Years – David Bowie
This David Bowie classic is a popular song that is beloved for its funky groove. Bowie is considered to be one of the most influential musicians of the 20th Century, who has greatly influenced modern pop culture and music. This particular song has a real funky tone making it extremely fun to listen to. It is the kind that would really remind you of the golden years of music back in the 80s when these musicians were in their prime and enjoy their songs to the fullest.
14. Yeah – Usher
Usher is a well-established and an extremely popular American R&B singer. He shot to fame back in 1997 with his hit single Nice and Slow. Since then, his releases have often found themselves in the billboard top 100 and other charts. He is an extremely popular singer with a wide fan following. He became one of the most popular artists of the 2000s with his consecutive singles, which started with this particular song. The thundering bass is resounding and has a very dance club kind of a vibe. The song really gets you grooving and singing to the beats. It is certainly worth checking out.
15. Another Brick in the Wall – Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd’s this song is a famous song known for its critique of the British education system. It’s classic line “We don’t need no education.” are widely known and used. Even those who have never heard the song or the artist have heard of these lines. The song itself has its own appeal. It has a beautiful tune which is consistent and thought provoking. It was not a conventional song, but it was a well-received surprise that is still much popular today. While it is not the kind you would dance to, it is certainly the one you would hum while walking around.
16. Get Up, Stand Up – Bob Marley & The Wailers
This popular song by Bob Marley and The Wailers is extremely famous for two reasons. It is one of their most political songs. Its lyrics encourages one to stand up for their rights and to take a stand against injustices. The message it sends out is simple and yet powerful. However, what makes it popular, in this context, is its explosive bass. It is beautifully executed and is a fun tune to listen to.
17. N.I.B – Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath is another band of the 70s and 80s which is still quite popular. They really stood out in their rock and metal songs, which shot them to popularity. However, this particular song has such an explosive bass, it is hard to ignore it. It is an extremely popular song that is among their most popular recordings. It is certainly worth a try.
18. Hysteria – The Muse
The Muse is an English rock band which gained a reputation for energetic and thrilling performances in their concerts. They experimented with various types of instruments during their initial stages. Hysteria is a heavy electronic track. It is filled with great energy and momentum. The bass enjoys a central position throughout the song, being enhanced by the other instruments, and enhancing the vocals as well. It is all the more brilliant when there are guitar solos or when the riff takes the center stage. It is an exhilarating performance that is certainly among the best among the heavy bass songs.
19. Movin’ – Lil Pump
Recently, there has been a rise in rappers, emerging especially from soundcloud. Most of these rappers follow a generic route of having explicit lyrics with a hip-hop background. This new wave of rappers have seen several artists gain popularity. Lil Pump is among them. While the lyrics of this song are by no means thought provoking or blissful, they are explicit and vulgar, the bass in the songs are wonderful and worth checking out. It is worth mentioning that there are several SoundCloud rappers with similar tunes, so, checking a couple of them out could prove useful. They often tend to have some really good beats, if not songs.
20. Taxman – Beatles
While talking about best songs, it is hard to ignore old classical bands like the Beatles. Even today, they remain extremely popular. Ever wonder which was the song that shot them to fame? This is it. The Taxman is the first major song that was immensely popular, and still very much is. It’s brilliant beats and the overall song makes it a joy to listen to even today. It is indeed a timeless classic that shall survive for a long time.
There are a lot of songs out there worth checking out. They all have their own appeal. Even in bass songs, there are several songs worth checking out even apart from the ones presented here. So, go and explore, who knows, you might find just the one you were looking for. One simply cannot go wrong with listening to more music.
The emergence of new streaming media has made it all the easier to discover music. Spotify has a large collection of songs which all have different focuses, some on the vocals while the other on the bass. It is certainly worth checking them out to discover some new songs, which may suit your tastes.
Creating a perfect bass track requires much more than just talent. You need to know the perfect use of musical equipment like bass strings, bass drum heads, bass amps, bass drum pedals and so on.
So, now that you have your playlist all set up, it’s time to put your creative hat and get to work. Go on an adventure!